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How Massages Can Treat Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness and stiffness after intense exercise, known as sports massage near me (DOMS), can significantly impact your recovery. For instance, going for a longer run than normal or overdoing it during your first workout in a long time may result in DOMS. DOMS may also arise from gardening or moving home. 

The effects of DOMS may begin 24 hours after the activity, regardless of the reason, and they can extend up to 72 hours if therapy is not received. DOMS may prevent you from participating or practicing in your favorite sports and affect how you perform at work. Massage could reduce DOMS duration and provide pain relief, allowing you to return to regular activities faster.

The Significance of Massage in Treating DOMS

Massage is not only used for leisure activities but is also incorporated in clinical practice as a remedy for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Here’s a deeper look into how massages can effectively ease the discomfort caused by DOMS and aid in muscle recovery:

1. Enhanced Blood Circulation

Through massages, blood flow to different muscle regions receives a boost. This is important as it aids in the alleviation of muscle cramps after rigorous exercise. Sports massage Malta helps to increase blood circulation and, therefore, facilitates the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the affected tissues.

This accelerated delivery also helps in the repair of muscles and lessens the total time of muscle soreness. Also, better blood circulation can allow the removal of metabolic waste products, which include lactic acid, which tends to build up in muscles during exercises and causes soreness.

2. Reduction in Muscle Tension

Another advantage of massage therapy is that this modality effectively decreases muscle contraction and dissolves deposits or nodules that appear in muscle strands due to physical exertion. This is done through various actions that involve rubbing, stroking, and pressing in order to relax the contraction of muscles.

Besides decreasing pain, the relief of tension translates to increased mobility and flexibility of the muscles. This restoration is especially helpful since it helps with the regular flexing of joints, allowing follow-through of activities and other forms of exercises without pain.

3. Decreased Inflammatory Response

Numerous studies have suggested that massage therapy reduces inflammation because it reduces the levels of cytokines and proteins that are essential in the inflammatory response. Decreasing inflammation also helps to decrease pain and muscle damage as well as soreness after exercising.

In addition, the activity of mitochondria, which are commonly known as the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell, is stimulated through massage, hence enhancing muscle repair due to the relief of cellular stress.

4. Stimulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis

In the “Science Translational Medicine” journal, a significant study showed that massage therapy may activate the process of mitochondrial biogenesis, which means that new mitochondria are produced in the cells. This increase in mitochondria increases the ability of a muscle to produce energy that is required for the healing and repair of damaged tissues.

This is because stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis enhances muscle endurance and performance due to the involvement of these organelles in energy metabolism during muscle activity.

5. Promotion of Parasympathetic Response

Massage therapy thus deals with the physical aspects of DOMS and also helps to relax at the systemic level. Getting a massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and this means that stress and anxiety are decreased.

This relaxation response can also help in muscle recovery by decreasing the rate of heartbeat, blood pressure, and the rate of breathing. Such an environment is more conducive to restorative processes of the body, such as muscle recovery and repair.

Types of Massage for DOMS

Several massage techniques are particularly effective for treating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), each with unique approaches and benefits:

●      Swedish Massage

Swedish massage Malta is one of the most common and easily available forms of massage worldwide. Some of them include effleurage, which uses long, flowing strokes; petrissage, using kneading motion; and tapotement, which uses rhythmical tapping on different parts of the body to facilitate body relaxation.

Swedish massage is also a preferred type of massage if you are new to massage or are sensitive to deep tissue massages. It helps overall muscle relaxation, relieves muscle spasms, and aids in circulation, which can be beneficial to someone experiencing DOMS.

●      Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is more intense, and the practitioner concentrates on working deeper into the muscles and the connective tissues. This is especially great for muscle soreness, injuries, and areas of extreme tension and tightness. Deep tissue massage can address adhesions and knotted muscles to promote normal tissue function, reduce pain, and decrease muscle tightness related to DOMS.

●      Sports Massage

Sports massage is intended for individuals involved in sporting activities; however, it can be helpful to anyone with DOMS. It may be taken as a warm-up prior to exercising with the intention of preventing muscle cramps and improving efficiency or taken after a workout.

Sports massage employs methods such as stretching, compression, and friction that enable body muscles to achieve their maximum capacity, increased mobility, and reduced downtime.

●      Trigger Point Therapy

This technique is very particular and consists of massaging trigger points—little adhesions that may occur in muscle fibers after usage. Such knots are able to produce pain beyond knot location, and they can cause referred pain in the body.

It involves applying pressure on specific points in the muscles in cycles that release the source of the pain. DOMs are painful, but regular treatment will help bring so much comfort and enhance muscular health.

Best Practices for Massage After Exercise

Here are some tips for getting the most benefits of massage in treating DOMS:

Timing is Key: Ideally, the massage should be given within 24 hours after doing exercise to ensure that the soreness is well relieved.

Regular Sessions: One massage may be soothing, while frequent massages can assist in keeping the muscles in good condition and avoiding future instances of pain.

Hydrate Well: It is advisable to take water after the massage so that toxins that have been released from the muscles can be eliminated from the body.


DOMS can be unpleasant if you have not exercised for a while, but it is perfectly normal and is an indication that your muscles are developing strength. When used together with other treatment methods after training, this form of massage can help reduce pain and promote fast muscle recovery.

In addition to relieving muscle fatigue, it also gets them ready for another eventuality in the body. It is important to stick to a schedule with any form of treatment, and therefore, if you want to keep your muscles ready for any form of workout, then you need to book a regular massage session.

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